OPC .Net client server toolkits for OPC DA, HDA, AE, XML-DA      Advanced
         OPC .Net client server toolkits for OPC DA, HDA, AE, XML-DA
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UA Server Toolkit

Product Summary Version Info
UA Server Toolkit

The Advosol OPC UA Server Toolkit bases on the OPC Foundation OPC UA SDK V1.1.320 and uses the same customization plug-in .NET assembly as the Advosol OPC DA, XML DA and Xi server toolkits.


Category Description

The Advosol UA Server Toolkit is designed for simple migration from DCOM based Classic OPC to OPC UA.

The server is structured into two parts:

  • The generic server handles the UA client interface
  • The application specific plug-in .NET assembly handles the devices and can be used also with the Advosol classic OPC server toolkit for classic OPC DA/HDA/AE servers.

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