COMtoUA Converter Server
COMtoUA is a Classic OPC DCOM server with the capability to act as multiple OPC DA, HDA and/or AE servers. Each server is configured to a UA server endpoint and enables Classic OPC clients to access OPC UA servers.
The COMtoUA converter makes OPC UA servers accessible from classic OPC client applications.
COMtoUA can be configured to serve as multiple OPC DA, HDA and/or AE servers.
Each of these pseudo servers are assigned to an endpoint of an OPC UA server. Multiple pseudo servers can access the same UA server or endpoint, e.g. if the UA server supports the functionality of multiple Classic OPC specifications.
UAtoCOM converts in the opposite direction. It is an OPC UA server with the capability to aggregate multiple OPC DA, HDA and/or AE servers. OPC UA clients can access Classic OPC DA, HDA, AE servers thru the UAtoCOM converter server.